Saturday, February 28, 2009

Demo Reel: Completion

My demo reel is finally complete, you can view the High Res version here: (quicktime 62mb) (quicktime 62mb MIRROR)

and the Low Res version: (Low Res)

Below are some high res still images:

Saturday, January 31, 2009

3D Modeling: A Bit of Fun

It's been a while since I last blogged... all this time I have been working on finishing the character and the bike as the final deadline is only less than 3 weeks away.

While I was hard at work tweaking my character's face and studying my references, this brilliant area flashed across my mind to comp the boy into my favourite reference photo from Lewis Hine of a group of newsies. The lighting is wrong and the comp is not great, but it was just for a bit of fun. So without further ado: